Monday 2 April 2018

We live to love and without it we are lost

I do believe that each person has a soulmate, and I do believe that they're out there, in the same city as us, walking the same streets and they walk by us but we never realise cause our heart is still sleeping yet.
The reason why you instantly fall in love with someone is cause you've seen them, felt them around. This feeling, whatever you feel inside, feels familiar and a bit comfortable not scary at all.
you can look at their eyes and all you've felt for years whenever they were around comes rushing back in and your heart awakes awakening all the love and chemistry inside both of you.

And I remember the first time I saw you, in a football field, in a middle of a match. I was walking with my friends, about to leave, and while you were running with that ball, our eyes met, between that crowd and I swear I'll never be able to describe the way I felt. And I saw you again in the parking lot, and we had that deep eye contact again. But thats all it was..

After two years, the universe brought us together, we fell in love right the second we talked. I told you I love you right the next day and we were inseparable ever since.
You've touched my heart, and when we talked, all the feelings rushed into my heart awakening it. I didn't waster any of our time cause its felt that we had limited time together.
You touched my heart and now you're gone but I still feel the love, I still feel everything.

And most of all, I do believe that we will meet in heaven and although you're gone but you are my soulmate. As they say: love touch us one time and lasts for a life time. Love, is the most beautiful thing you could ever feel in this world. We live to love and without it we are lost...