Monday 2 April 2018

We live to love and without it we are lost

I do believe that each person has a soulmate, and I do believe that they're out there, in the same city as us, walking the same streets and they walk by us but we never realise cause our heart is still sleeping yet.
The reason why you instantly fall in love with someone is cause you've seen them, felt them around. This feeling, whatever you feel inside, feels familiar and a bit comfortable not scary at all.
you can look at their eyes and all you've felt for years whenever they were around comes rushing back in and your heart awakes awakening all the love and chemistry inside both of you.

And I remember the first time I saw you, in a football field, in a middle of a match. I was walking with my friends, about to leave, and while you were running with that ball, our eyes met, between that crowd and I swear I'll never be able to describe the way I felt. And I saw you again in the parking lot, and we had that deep eye contact again. But thats all it was..

After two years, the universe brought us together, we fell in love right the second we talked. I told you I love you right the next day and we were inseparable ever since.
You've touched my heart, and when we talked, all the feelings rushed into my heart awakening it. I didn't waster any of our time cause its felt that we had limited time together.
You touched my heart and now you're gone but I still feel the love, I still feel everything.

And most of all, I do believe that we will meet in heaven and although you're gone but you are my soulmate. As they say: love touch us one time and lasts for a life time. Love, is the most beautiful thing you could ever feel in this world. We live to love and without it we are lost...

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Cautious to not dive in too deep

You know what hurts too?
When you are cautious at the beginning of your relationship but not too cautious.
Cautious to not dive in, too deep, but you do anyways
Till they drag you down,
To the deepest part of their oceans,
And your only surviving it, is cause they're around,
Holding you,
Leading you,
But suddenly they let go..
And you're there
All alone
Don't know how to get back to the surface
Or where to go...

Friday 23 June 2017


If you go, I go
If you stay, I stay ...
Don't leave me alone in this world hun
you know that both of us aren't on good terms right now, please, at least wait till we fix our problems and then you are free to leave to the other life.

Why "ODing" yourself and you know that I NEED you with me? Why are you trying to leave me alone here? especially when things are fucked up between us!

Just give us a chance to fix things, to have closure
You left me years hanging, why making it permanent?
I don't want you to feel bad, but babe I can't stand up on my feet, I can't fight this, not without you :(

You know, its really hard to sleep and when I do, its really hard for me to wake up..
I thought that time will heal my wounds, but actually the more it heals the worse it hurts.

Whats love?
Its when you fall too deep and even after getting hurt really bad you'll still forgive all their sins.
Is even when you are not with them, your are happy that they are safe,
But will happen if they are gone from this world?

Gave you every piece of me no wonder its missing, don't know how to be so close to someone so distant...
And now you are not just so distant, you are unreachable

This feeling sucks

And every time I think that I am getting over it and I will be fine, it turn out to be totally wrong!
I am tired of ignoring the fact that you are actually gone and at night I cry myself to sleep
I am tired of pretending that I am ok and it doesn't kill me or effect me where its actually drawing all my energy off me
It sucks
This feeling sucks
When you keep it in but you are actually hurting your body
When you let it out but you can't stop it and you end up feeling shit for at least a week
I want you back but you can't come back
I want to follow you to where you are but its not in my hand
See you in my dreams...

Saturday 29 April 2017

That nightmare, turned out to be my life

When you reach to that position when you can go further in life...
When your only wish is to go back to being young!
Go back to where you were just an innocent kid..
Where your only worries were if your parents will give you that ice cream after your meal :)

My worst nightmare was to live in a world without you
And I remember telling you that
And you replied "What made you think about this?"
And I said "nothing, its just I don't want to live in a world without you"
And you said "You won't"
I know that it wasn't your choice
And its God will and only God knows the reason but I believe in God and his choices are the best even if it hurts as fuck
But God do things to prevent other things from happening.

I love you
And I will forever love you
And no one will be loved the same way I do
I miss you but I am gonna see you soon
I am just scared...

I am trying my best to hold myself together but sometimes, most of the time, I fail ...
Its not easy, and I don't think that it will get easier or i'm gonna get used to it
I don't want to say anything more

I was just thinking, the only way to run away from this is by going back in time to where i was just an innocent kid
And stay as a kid ...