Saturday 16 July 2016

When love hurts, thats how you know its true

And Love is the only thing you cant ignore, no matter how hurtful it is ...

You are the reason behind my smile, my laugh, my existence
But at the same time, you are the reason behind my sadness and tears ...

With you, I laugh and smile, feel alive again
But when you leave, even for few hours, I fall into pieces ...

I cuddle myself with my own blanket, trying to warm myself up in this cold weather because you are not here,
I cover myself with my own pillow and scream out of my lungs because you are out of reach,
I listen to all types of music, rap rock country, just to stop the hallucination of your voice,

You can see how crazy I am to you, 
Being with you, is all I want
I dont care if we are just friends, besties or couples ..  though I wish we stay as all of them

I love you, and "Love you" doesn't really express even half of the love I have for you inside my heart

All I want is you, and im so not ready to live a single day on this earth without you in my life

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