Thursday 21 April 2016

He left ..

Breakups are really difficult, and no matter how many times you went through them, they will still make you spend weeks or months crying, hurting and doing crazy things without thinking.
He left, after I thought that we were more than PERFECT.
He left, after I gave EVERYTHING.
He left, after he promised me that he will stay with me FOREVER.
He left, after I made him my LIFE.
He left, after making me over OBSESSED with him.
And what hurts the most,
He left, without giving me a reason.
And what hurts me even more,
He came back after a while, and left AGAIN!
Again, without a reason.
And if I said I spent months crying I will be lying, I spent years.
 I cried so many nights, he broke my heart, but I still want him back though I know that he can’t ‘unbreak’ my heart.
I tried almost everything to get over him, and delete his memory from my mind, but nothing worked. So I decided to move to the other side of the world, find new hobbies and be busy all of the time so that I won’t have time to think about him.
Unfortunately, I still have him in my dreams, and I wake up crying, screaming from pain. Its not getting easier and I don’t think that it will ever get easier, but everyday, I somehow get used to it and this makes me stronger, wiser, to not fall into someone’s trap again.
My whole personality changed, I became somehow a heartless person that won’t cry no matter what happens, but I will only cry when it comes to him.
He didn’t only leave a scar on my heart, he left a hole that won’t ever get filled, that made me lose the old nice me, and made me someone who won’t harm anyone but at the same time won’t trust anyone, won’t over love someone, won’t get too close to anyone, won’t care about anything and will ignore everything that can harm his/her heart.
Always show people that you are strong and can withstand all tough conditions, perfect in everything and never ever show them your weakness. When people get angry, they say tough things which can get stuck in your head for long, they know that this exact thing will hurt you but they say it anyways. Thats why, you shouldn't show people what hurts you, kills you, so that they won't use it against you later.
And last not least, you can find a perfect relationship, a great caring lover, but you still need to be careful and never ever let anyone shatter your life. 

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